28 May 2021
Lithos continues to grow and strengthen its technical expertise by making two senior appointments - Adam Gombocz and Julia Reynolds.
Adam has 16 years’ geotechnical experience dealing with a wide range of projects associated with residential and commercial developments, rail, road and quarries. He’s worked in design consultancies large and small, as a regulator at Leeds City Council, and latterly with the warranty provider NHBC. Adam’s strong geotechnical expertise will be of considerable assistance to Lithos’ clients when looking at more challenging sites such as backfilled quarries and potentially unstable slopes.
“Lithos has a great reputation in the industry and is well respected by their peers, regulators and warranty providers alike. I have always admired the pragmatic, yet robust advice provided by Lithos, and an approach that is closely aligned with my own: if something is worth doing, it’s worth doing right,” Adam says.
He continues: “It’s a really exciting opportunity and comes at an important time for me personally, as I look to broaden my skills and take a more proactive role in running a business. The construction industry is buoyant as it emerges from lockdown and the impact of the pandemic, I’m really looking forward to being part of vibrant business with a very bright and exciting future.”
Julia has 21 years’ experience, the majority of which has been spent working as a Local Authority Contaminated Land Officer. Many will know her from her 15 years as Part2A technical lead at Leeds City Council, or through her involvement with the Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Pollution Advisory Group, the Yorkshire Contaminated Land Forum and Yorkshire’s representative on the National Land Forum. More recently Julia has been working at the NHBC, using her expertise in the LQE Team.
“There is an ever-increasing focus on environmental liabilities for landowners and developers, particularly as the Environment Agency increases its response to pollution incidents", she says. “As Lithos clients become more involved with complex brownfield sites, my extensive experience in environmental legislation and regulation will be invaluable in helping clients navigate this minefield.”
She continues: “I’m thrilled to be joining Lithos and I’m really looking forward to working ‘on the other side of the fence’ and the challenges that will bring.”
Reg Perrin, MD of Lithos said, “Both Adam and Julia will be a huge asset for us and, even more so, for our clients who will have direct access to professionals who are well respected and acknowledged specialists in their field.”
He adds: “Indications are that infrastructure, construction and housebuilding in particular have a bright future. Pent-up demand caused by the pandemic plus the Government’s ‘Build, Build, Build’ and ‘Levelling Up’ strategy should mean infrastructure projects move forward at pace, particularly in the North of England. Our numerous accreditations (including Rail) and exceptional technical capabilities mean we are really well placed to support this.”
“It couldn’t be a better time in our sector to take on Julia and Adam, both exceptional individuals in their own areas of work. The future certainly looks positive for Lithos.”
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