Lithos were commissioned by Strata Homes to prepare a remediation strategy & specification for demolition, remediation and ground preparatory works on land at Boothferry Park, Hull.
The site, located approximately 3km west of Hull city centre, occupies an area of approximately 4.5 hectares and included a derelict football ground and supermarket car park. Historically the site had comprised open fields with a watercourse crossing from north to south, before being developed as part of a golf course, with allotments in the east and south and a football ground including concrete terraces and a gymnasium. The proposed residential development comprised a total of 235 semi-detached, terraced houses and flat-over-garage units, with associated gardens, POS and adoptable roads and sewers.
Lithos’ Remediation Strategy allowed the developer to estimate abnormal development costs, obtain Local Planning Authority and NHBC approval for the proposed remediation works, and to assist with procurement of a suitable contractor to complete the necessary earthworks and remediation contract. Subsequently Lithos were commissioned by the developer to provide full-time supervision and validation of the remediation works. This included:
- Break-up of slabs, hardstand and stadium terraces
- Full site turnover (excavation, screening & replacement in engineered layers, with nominal compaction) of the full thickness of made ground under former stadium
- Removal of any hydrocarbon contaminated soils
- Redistribution of contaminated or potentially combustible soils
- Preparation of the ground for highway construction
- Provision of a minimum 600mm thick cover layer of ‘clean’ soils in all garden & soft landscaped areas underlain by residual made ground